License Issuance Fees

It is a fee paid by the applicant for license to the GasReg against a permission to practice any of the gas market activities within the borders of the country.

  • The methodology of calculating the fees value has been approved by the GasReg board according to law no.196/2017, which take into consideration the licensee’s dealt gas quantities in Million British Thermal Unit, the value of the license issuance fees for each license is the product of the issuance fee multiplied by approved (licensed) gas quantities during that year.
  • The license fee is paid in Egyptian pounds according to the exchange rate announced by the Central Bank Of Egypt.
  • A settlement shall be made at the end of each year according to the actual quantities.
  • Annual fees are paid during the license period of effectiveness, which is determined according to the same mechanism used to calculate the fee of license issuance by the GasReg.
  • In case the applicant is informed with the acceptance of his application, he the licensee has to deposit the total value of the license fees within seven working days – starting from the day following the notification of payment .
  • The license issuance fees is as follows:
    • Transmission activity………………………..…0.03322 cent/MMBTU
    • Shipping activity……………………………..…..0.03022 cent/MMBTU
    • Distribution activity……………………………..0.02822 cent/MMBTU
    • Supplying activity…..……………………… ……0.01322 cent/MMBTU
    • Compression Facility Operator…………….. 0.20522 cent/MMBTU
    • Off-grid Transmission System Operator…..0.28522 cent/MMBTU
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